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Know your email etiquette

Professional email

  Know your email etiquette Think twice before hitting that send button! Does your email follow these professional guidelines? Are you using an appropriate email address? Perhaps it’s time to upgrade your email address from “funkychick@hotmail” to something that reflects your professional self. Make sure the subject line clearly states the purpose of your email. […]

Colour can boost your productivity

Different Coloured pastels

  Boost your productivity with colour! Your brain loves colour! We all know that colour can affect our moods and appetite, but did you know that it can also affect your productivity and concentration? BLUE affects your mind. If your brain is hard at work all day, then the calming affects of the colour blue will […]

Use your CV to make a great impression

Laptop and CV on desk

  Your CV – make a great first impression Your CV should tell an employer about what type of employee you will be and what skills you have to offer. Is your CV presenting the best version of yourself? Keep it short and sweet Employers want to know if your suitable for the job on […]

Linkedln – your online resume

Man sitting in office space working on laptop

          LinkedIn – your online resume         Your LinkedIn profile is your online resume and will help you build a professional brand for prospective employers. Make sure your profile is complete and detailed but temporarily turn off your activity broadcast whenever you are updating so you don’t fill […]

Tips to beat procrastination

Stay motivated

  Beat procrastination! Online study requires a different kind of motivation to classroom learning. Some of us really have the knack for putting the ‘pro’ in procrastination! This can become all too easy when you’re learning online, so avoid leaving things until the last minute with these tips. Avoiding a task? Tackling the most challenging […]

Write a great covering letter

Professional Woman with laptop

  Writing a covering letter A covering letter is your first opportunity to grab attention and make sure you stand out from other candidates. Keep it relevant Tailor your cover letter to the specific job you are applying for, identifying the particular skills you can bring to the role. Highlight any relevant experience that would […]

Understand your learning style

Man with headphones working on laptop in library

  Know your learning style People take in new information in many different ways. Is the way you study the best for your learning style? Visual Learners  You work best using pictorial or graphically formatted information. Diagrams, images and graphs appeal to your style of learning. Kinaesthetic/Active Learners Manipulating objects and experimenting with practical or […]

Tips for negotiating a salary

Man and Woman shaking hands in office

  Negotiating a salary While some of us find salary negotiations intimidating, getting a better offer really adds up over the course of your career. Tips for successful negotiation: Be prepared: If you decide to negotiate, be realistic and base your request on solid research. Know the industry, the company, the role’s responsibilities and average remuneration […]

Be prepared for your job interview

Professional Woman smiling

    Prepping for your interview An interview is your opportunity to present your skills, experience and personality to your potential employer. It’s important to do some groundwork prior to your interview in order to make a knowledgeable first impression. Research the company and the role to help you answer questions the interviewer may pose. […]

Your interview – make a good impression

Professional Woman smiling

  Tips to help you ace your interview Interviewers will assess you as soon as you walk in the door, so how you present yourself will make or break your employment opportunities. How to make a good impression Greet the interviewer with a firm handshake and a smile. If you are offered a glass of […]