


Prepping for your interview

An interview is your opportunity to present your skills, experience and personality to your potential employer.

It’s important to do some groundwork prior to your interview in order to make a knowledgeable first impression.

Research the company and the role to help you answer questions the interviewer may pose. Use the Internet and promotional material to familiarise yourself with the company’s public profile. This can also help you make a decision about whether they are the right fit for you.

Use LinkedIn to discover who has previously or currently works for the company. You may be able to find some common ground and have something to discuss with the interviewer on a more personal level.

Think about questions the interviewer may pose and practise your answers. The more research you have on the company and the job description, the easier this will be. Most interviewers will give you the opportunity to ask them, so make sure you have something prepared!

Know where the interview is, how long it will take to get there and whether car parking is available. Doing your homework will ensure that you have one less thing to worry about on the day!

dress for success
Dress for success

Plan a professional outfit that is smart and presentable.
The most important thing you can bring to an interview is confidence, so make sure you’re looking and feeling great,
as the interviewer will pick up on this.

dress for success
Dress for success

Plan a professional outfit that is smart and presentable.
The most important thing you can bring to an interview is confidence, so make sure you’re looking and feeling great,
as the interviewer will pick up on this.