

Microsoft Excel is a crucial skill to have for uncountable roles in business, finance, IT and more. Whether you want to upskill your employees, or get your own head around complex functions, our Excel courses are designed by experts.

Go beyond the basics of Excel. Learn the advanced features and functions of Microsoft Excel including manipulating data, advanced chart features, macros and protecting your spreadsheet.
This practical course will set you up to use Excel with ease. You will gain a Certificate in Excel, which you can share with prospective employers.
Gain a comprehensive and practical understanding of how to use Excel to turn meaningless numbers into useful information. Perfect for accounting, finance or business roles. Receive an Advanced Certificate in Excel
This practical Excel intermediate course is perfect for those in accounting, bookkeeping, and administration roles who want to level up. Cover conditional formatting, learn how to attend to multiple worksheets simultaneously and complete a Microsoft Excel Intermediate course to show employers you know your stuff. Enrol now to widen your world.


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Yes. The Career Academy offers a number of online Excel certifications which provide you with practical skills which employers recognise.
That depends on your current skill level and your goals. You can start with the basics by enrolling for our Certificate in Microsoft Excel, move on to advanced certification, and then extend into a diploma course to accelerate your learning.
Definitely. Getting Excel certified will demonstrate your proven capabilities to prospective employers.
Most employers require candidates to have basic level Excel skills, but those candidates that really stand out showcase their progression towards more advanced proficiency.
Completing our Diploma in Microsoft Excel will ensure you have an advanced skill set in Excel. This option progresses you through a Certificate in Microsoft Excel, Intermediate Microsoft Excel, and an Advanced Certificate in Excel over a six-month period.