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Christine overcomes challenges to step into her dream career


For many years, Christine has dealt with significant health issues, but she doesn’t let them get in the way of her eagerness to learn.

Over the years, she had taken various word processing, computing and administration courses over the years, and became a proficient audio typist who was able to work from home.

But that wasn’t enough for Christine – she wanted to further advance her skills. So she searched online and found The Career Academy. After she had a conversation with one of our one-on-one career advisors about her goals and aspirations, she knew that The Career Academy was the right choice to help her reach them. Ultimately, she enrolled in the Certificate in Medical Reception, which would give her the skills to become a certified medical receptionist in only 10 weeks.

From her prior education experience Christine was ‘used to textbooks and lecturers.’ But with The Career Academy’s flexible online learning she knew things were going to be a little different. ‘I was on my own, receiving my assignments through the website.’ At first, she was a little nervous that not interacting with tutors face-to-face was going to be a difficult adjustment, but it wasn’t long before she discovered that online learning was a breeze. ‘I quickly realised that my tutors were nothing like the fierce and overbearing teachers from my school days! These were professional businesspeople who really were there to help.’ She says. As she continued to receive positive feedback on her assignments her confidence started to grow.

As Christine worked her way through her course, she started to discover benefits outside of what was in the content. ‘I’m definitely more confident using the Internet now.’ She says. ‘Which means I can be more proactive searching for contracts and, therefore, increase my workload.’

Helen, Christine’s mentor, reports seeing a huge change in Christine since she completed her certificate. ‘She’s had this glow, like a spring in her step!’ smiles Helen. ‘Being respected and having her skills recognised has been a great boost for Christine. The value of improved self-esteem and self-confidence can’t really be overstated.’

As for her advice for future students, Christine only has one thing to say:

‘Feel the fear, and just go for it!’

Christine studied the Certificate in Medical Reception, developed to teach you the skills involved in the running of a medical practice in only 10 weeks. It also includes a training guide for Medtech, one of the common pieces of software used in medical practices.


Photo of Christine
Photo of Christine