
Life Coaching Pathway Course Guide

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Dive into our rich Psychology & Counselling courses. Learn the fundamentals of psychological theory, or understand how to help people manage their goals, lives & futures.


Life Coaching Pathway Course Guide

Introduction to Psychology

This course will provide an introduction to the broad definition of Psychology and the basic precepts of the study of Psychology. It will include but not be limited to the different approaches to the study of human behaviour, the different areas or disciplines of Psychology and specific influences on human behaviour.

This course will cover important knowledge related to the neurological basis of behaviour, including but not limited to how the biological make-up of our brain and nervous system contributes to our behaviour and a look at the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS).

This course identifies different kinds of environmental influences on learned behaviour and will include but not be limited to key learning processes and theories, intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcers and the influence environment and learning processes can have on human development.

This course discusses the processes and theories of human consciousness and perception, including but not limited to the nature of consciousness, the relationship between consciousness and behaviour and the relationship between perception and attention.

This course explains the effect of personality on behaviour and will include but not be limited to personality traits, theoretical approaches to human personality, the different types of defence mechanisms and types of personality disorders.

This course will explore psychological development through the lifespan and will include but not be limited to the concept of nature versus nurture, the role that environmental influences have on development, Piaget’s theory of cognitive development as well as Freud’s Psycho-Sexual Stages.

This course takes a look at what motivates people to behave the way they do and theories that explain these motivations. It will include but not be limited to key terms used in the study of human motivation, the Behaviourist Drive Theory of human motivation, Freud’s psychoanalytical approach to human motivation as well as Maslow’s theory and the concept of self-actualisation.

Counselling Skills

This course will provide an introduction to various methods of learning and identifying essential micro- skills. It will include but not be limited to the function and purpose of counselling, psychoanalytic techniques, key concepts of humanistic therapy and key counselling skills.

This course will provide an introduction to the skills of commencing the counselling process, including but not limited to the unique relationship between the counsellor and client, the role of listening in the counselling process and the importance of a good environment.

This course will provide an introduction to the notion of reflection of content and feelings, including but not limited to the five basic responses of non-directive counselling, paraphrasing, the process of reflection on thoughts and feelings and responses to reflection.

This course will provide an overview of different questioning techniques and their usefulness in the counselling process. It will include but not be limited to the importance of restricting questioning, the difference between open and closed questions, questions that should be avoided and the various ways questions are used in crisis counselling.

This course will take a look at various micro-skills such as summarising, confrontation and reframing. It will include but not be limited to the effects such micro-skills can have on the client, when it is appropriate or inappropriate for a counsellor to use each micro-skill and a look at Carl Rogers’s perspective on effective counselling.

This course will provide an introduction to the negative impact of self-destructive beliefs and the value of normalising in the counselling process. It will include but not be limited to the reasons for self-destructive beliefs, the components and benefits of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, case studies of normalising and the symptoms and treatment for depression.

This course will take a look at how a client can make choices, overcome psychological blocks and facilitate actions. It will include but not be limited to ways to find solutions, the process of creating, making and reviewing choices, the components of the Gestalt awareness circle and ways to overcome psychological blockages.

This course will provide an overview of effective ways to close the counselling session, arranging further meetings and overcoming dependency. It will include but not be limited to the three stages of a counselling session, the importance of time management in a counselling session and how dependency can be managed.

Counselling Techniques

This course will provide an introduction to psychoanalytic counselling theory, including but not limited to its origins and applications and an in-depth look at the work of Sigmund Freud, Albert Jung and Erik Erikson.

This course explains the principal differences between Adlerian and Freudian theory including but not limited to key concepts of Adlerian theory, the four stages of the Adlerian counselling process and the pros and cons of Adlerian therapy.

This course describes the chief elements of the Gestalt approach to counselling, including but not limited to its application to the resolution of problems, Gestalt therapy techniques and the pros and cons of Gestalt therapy.

This course explains the principles, goals and appropriate applications of person-centred approach to counselling, including but not limited to the necessary personal attitudes of counsellors, the function and purpose of person-centred therapy and its pros and cons.

This course will take a look at Albert Ellis’s views and the evolution of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), including but not limited to the different techniques and principles of REBT, Ellis’s assumption of human nature and the ABC model for personality.

This course describes characteristics of contemporary behavioural therapy and different problem-solving techniques adopted by behavioural therapists. It includes but is not limited to the characteristics of the behavioural approach, the function and purpose of behavioural therapy as well as techniques and pros and cons.

This course discusses the role of solution-focussed counselling in modern therapy, including but not limited to the sequence followed by solution-focussed counselling, the strategies and stages used and the pros and cons.

This course explains the differences and similarities between Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and REBT, including but not limited to the cognitive disorders encompassed by CBT, key elements of Cognitive Behaviour Modification and the constructivist counselling approach.

Certificate in Psychology & Counselling

This course will provide an introduction to recognising the nature of conflict and stress and why this issue affects so many people today. It will include but not be limited to the positive and negative effects of stress, the difference between chronic and acute stress and the long-term impact that stress can have on quality of life.

This course will explore how to identify and examine behaviours that are characterised as abnormal and compare and contrast these with behaviours characterised as healthy, including but not limited to the different types of mental disorders, the symptoms of schizophrenia and causes of substance abuse.

This course will take a look at social influence on individual behaviour, including but not limited to conformity in society, the different levels of parental influence and the influences of school on behaviour.

This course will provide an overview of methods of dealing with psychological problems, including but not limited to the role of the various professionals in Counselling and Psychology, the use of different psychoanalytic techniques and examples of when it is inappropriate to use different psychoanalytic techniques.

This course will provide an overview of conflict resolution skills and will include but not be limited to the different styles of handling conflict, conflict resolution techniques and factors that impact power imbalance during conflicts.

This course will provide an introduction to the development of communication skills for counselling individuals, including but not limited to the process of communication, conversation development questions, and useful communication techniques for counsellors or psychologists.

Advanced Counselling Skills

This course will provide an introduction to the different stages of the counselling process, and how the use of the different micro-skills can be integrated into the process. It will include but not be limited to the preparation required before a counselling session and the stages of the counselling session.

This course will provide an introduction to the dynamics of the counselling process including such phenomenon as present experiences, feedback, transference, counter-transference, projection and resistance. It will include but not be limited to the benefits of focussing on present experiences, methods to direct client focus to present experiences and ways to overcome common counselling problems.

This course will provide an introduction to the major differences between telephone counselling techniques and face-to-face counselling, and the specific skills and responses of the telephone counsellor. It will include but not be limited to the importance of boundaries and debriefing when conducting telephone counselling, techniques used to deal with problem callers and the application of telephone counselling to a psychiatric disorder.

This course will provide an introduction to the nature of crises, including but not limited to their potential effect on the equanimity of the individual and appropriate emotional and practical responses.

This course will provide an introduction to the nature of aggression in the counselling process and ways of encouraging the client to explore and refocus it. It will include but not be limited to the causes of anger and effect it has on the body, how to assist the expression of anger and methods for controlling anger.

This course will provide an overview of different types of depression that a client may bring to the counselling process and will include but not be limited to the three forms of depressive disorders and how to determine them, the relationship between blocked anger and depression, counselling techniques for chronic depression and alternative treatment approaches.

This course will provide an overview of stages of the grieving process and strategies for dealing with a client’s grief. It will include but not be limited to key skills in grief counselling, how the grieving stages can be overcome, complicated grief reactions and the strategies used to counsel a grieving child or teenager.

This course will explore the different strategies of dealing with suicide, including but not limited to assessing risk, the ethical issues involved and the different approaches to counselling a suicidal client and their advantages.

Professional Practice in Psychology

This course will take a look at some of the personal factors that a counsellor might need to address, or qualities that might need to be developed, in order to counsel others effectively. It will include but not be limited to how the counsellor’s behaviour and level of personal growth impact the effectiveness of a therapy session with a client, the issues that can impair effective counselling and how they can be minimised.

This course will provide an overview of some of the ethical issues which arise within the profession, including but not limited to the importance of a code of ethics, the ethical values, principles and guidelines counsellors must follow and reasons for keeping client records.

This course will explore how one’s perception of the ‘self’ can influence the counselling process and the client’s relationships with others, including but not limited to the major elements of self-awareness and how they relate to your own experiences, the concepts and theories related to the shaping of perceptions and key influences on relationship formation.

This course will provide an introduction to the different approaches to personality within the counselling process, including but not limited to the various ways personality is defined, ways in which nature and nurture affect concepts such as personality and the purpose and function of different personality tests.

This course will provide an introduction to the role and importance of the counselling process, including but not limited to the main components of the emotions, the level of influence emotions can have in different areas of counselling and the role of emotional expression in the counselling process.

This course will take a look at the necessity for counsellors to have ongoing supervision throughout their professional career as they constantly strive to upgrade their skills. It will include but not be limited to the methods used for supervising trainee counsellors, the issues that can arise during the supervision process and why supervision in the counselling profession is important.

This course will provide an overview of the practice of referral and the circumstances in which it is preferable to refer a client on to another health care professional. It will include but not be limited to the responsibility counsellors have in terms of referring clients, the characteristics of different disorders considered abnormal and ways a counsellor can support clients suffering from disorders considered abnormal.

Life Coaching

This course provides an introduction to the principles of life coaching, what coaching is and what it is not. It will include but not be limited to the differences between life coaching and other similar disciplines, the traits a life coach should possess, the fundamentals of building rapport with a client and why time management is important in coaching.
This course provides an introduction to coaching skills and processes and will include but not be limited to the definition of success and how it differs from client to client, the barriers and facilitators to success and the ways a client may self-sabotage.
This course provides an introduction to Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound (SMART) goals, and will include but not be limited to how a coach can use SMART to help clients set goals and how coaches can help their clients reframe failure.
This course will provide an overview of advanced coaching techniques, including but not limited to a look at the T GROW Model and Oscar Model, how to help a client that wants to get fit and healthy develop new habits and how to develop a mind map for an area of life you want to experience progress and find solutions to.
This course will take a close look at change management including but not limited to key change management theories such as the Kubler-Ross cycle and Gestalt methods, the five stages of grief, and how socialisation can help coaches understand their clients
This course will provide an introduction to key time management and productivity principles, including but not limited to the Pareto principle, quality over quantity and how to implement productivity principles in your life and help your clients do the same.
This course will provide an overview of core coaching techniques such as vision planning and visualisation, including but not limited to how to develop a mission statement, how to write a five or ten year plan and how visualisation can help clients relax.
This course will explore how a coach can conduct the perfect coaching environment, including but not limited to how to ensure client safety and comfort, how to create a session plan and ways in which a coach can effectively manage their time.
This course will provide an introduction to the ethical boundaries that coaches must always follow, and will include but not be limited to the meaning of confidentiality and anonymity and how to protect these for clients, the term ‘safeguarding’ and the process to follow when there is a risk of harm to a client, and how to maintain professional boundaries.
This course will explore business principles and how to set up a coaching business, including but not limited to how to carry out market research and develop a business plan, researching digital media resources and social media to develop an advertising plan and how to develop a brand for yourself.
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FAQs about this course

There are no entry requirements or prerequisites to enrol on this course. You can enrol online directly by clicking on “Enrol Now” and following the prompts.  

Alternatively, you can enrol over the phone with our friendly student advisors – call 01 437 8559 or email

This course costs €999.00 or only €25 per week on a no-deposit, interest-free payment plan. Click here to get started now. 

This course takes approximately 300 hours, and you’ll have up to 18 months to complete. Study in your own time, at your own pace. Most of The Career Academy courses are designed so that you do one module a week, but if life gets busy, you can apply for a course extension if you need more time.

Upon completing this course, you could obtain work as a Life Coach.

Contact a friendly student advisor on 01 437 8559 to learn about potential career outcomes and where our courses could take you. You’ll also receive a FREE CV review.

Your course is delivered through our online learning platform, which you can access from any web browser 24/7 to work whenever and wherever you want. You can also interact with your tutors and other students within the learning environment. Online learning allows you to make the best use of your time and puts all the necessary resources at your fingertips. There are no set course start dates; you can start whenever you are ready, and your tutors and student services will check in on your progress and help you every step of the way.

Watch this video to see how online learning works:    

Absolutely! You’ve got a 14-day cooling-off period (trial period) at the start of your course. Take that time to review all your learning material and get a feel for online learning. If you decide the course isn’t for you within the trial period, you’ll get a full money-back guarantee*.

Our Life Coaching Pathway is a great first step to becoming a Life Coach. This course includes sections on business principles and setting up a coaching business.

Money Back Guarantee

100% Money Back Guarantee

After enrolling, you’ll receive an 14-day cooling off period (or trial period). If you decide the course isn’t for you within the trial period, you’ll get a full money back guarantee*.